Assembly of Prayer Church Reviews
Here at Church Reviews, we love the reviews and testimonies of the lives touched and turned around by the power of God and the love of the brethren. Mark 12:30-31 states, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” (NIV). The testimonies of men and women living this scripture and going out into the world to make neighbors and then love them as one loves their self Is the heartbeat of world missions. We can look back throughout the Bible and find page after page of reviews and testimonies of the goodness of God; this has not changed, there is still a call ringing out over the restless waves of life, and Church Reviews found a group of men and women striving to answer that call, Assembly of Prayer. Come along with us as we are to take some time to peer into the Assembly of Prayer Church Reviews.
Good Reviews and Testimonies
In the book of John 7:46, when the temple guards were asked of the chief priests why they had failed to bring Jesus unto them, their only response was “No one ever spoke the way this man does” (NIV). It still holds true today that even the most unexpecting of souls have a testimony of the power of God. As we analyzed the Assembly of Prayer Church reviews, we came across many such reports of the word of God being proclaimed in authority, power, and love. The testimony of Christ is still prevailing; when the word of God is preached in truth by those with a love for souls, it can still be said, “No one ever spoke of Christ the way this man does ” One such testimony came from a man that said he had gone from church to church looking for help; he had been to treatment facilities looking for something to take him from his addictions, always to be let down. His story heralds the good news of Christ’s love as when he came to the Assembly of Prayer, through the power of prayer and surrender to God, he found the deliverance that he so earnestly sought after. The Assembly of Prayer church reviews is filled with such stories and many more people around the world that have been touched by the spirit of love that drives this remarkable group to reach out beyond the comfort zone and help all that they can.
Assembly of Prayer Church Reviews- Lives Turned Around
At the Assembly of Prayer, all the glory goes to God, countless lives have been touched, and no man takes the credit. As in the Bible, when we read the book of Mark 1:45, “Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news.” (NIV) the news is being spread from the mouths of men that were as the man of the Gadarenes and women that bear the testimony of Rahab who left all and had her life turned around by the power of God and the love of his people. In the Assembly of Prayer Church reviews, we came across one such story of a man who desired a change in his life. He spoke of how that he grew up in poverty as a child, living in the streets or in his father’s van. He spoke of the desire and want of food above all else. In his testimony, he told of going into restaurants after the diners had left to see what scraps of food he could find to eat from their plates. He spoke of how that when he felt all was lost that there came a man, a missionary of sorts, to show him love, as he had never known. It was there he was led to the church and began to find that his actual want and desire had been God all along. We also heard of a woman that was lost in the life of drugs. She had gone so far that she ended up in divorce and lost her children. At this point, she began to realize that she just did not have it in her to change. She made a call to her brother, who took her in and led her to this amazing church where she would find the power she needed to turn her life around. The Assembly of Prayer Church reviews recounts how she was able to throw away the drugs, eventually remarried, and fight for her children again. All of this was due to the life-changing power of God found at the Assembly of Prayer.
Assembly of Prayer Church Reviews- Transformations
Not only have lives been turned around, but they have been transformed. One such testimony is of a woman that had lived a rough life bound by drugs and alcohol to the point that even her own children began to grow concerned for her. It was when her daughter found a life changing experience at a church service one night, she through God, was able to convince her mother to relocate to meet her where she was at, and she began to experience something that she could not find in the streets, the love of God. The testimonies found in the Assembly of Prayer Church reviews go on and on; we find another account of a man who joined the military looking for something more. It was in the military that this man did not find the escape he was looking for. Facing charges for drug use and much more, this man found himself at the end of his rope. It was not until he found himself sitting in a church experiencing for himself the life-altering power of God that he was able to turn his life around and now finds himself as a missionary traveling to foreign countries sharing what God has done for him.
The testimonies of the Assembly of Prayer Church Reviews are not limited to these but extend to those in foreign lands all around the world, from monks in Rome to those in the streets of India’s impoverished lands, to the corners of Nigeria, and the cities of Brazil the testimonies uncovered are without number. We could go on to tell of the work of God done in El Salvador and Mexico, or the love shown in Haiti, but our hope and prayer is that this great church and the Assembly of Prayer Church Reviews have touched your heart the same way it has many others and is an inspiration to you to spread the word of God as did the blind man in the Book of Mark chapter 10.