HOPCC Hinesville Reviews
Church Reviews is pleased to give up HOPCC Hinesville Reviews in which you can get a true insight into the inner workings of House of Prayer Christian Church in Hinesville, GA. This church has a good reputation for its continual zeal for the mission field. Not only do they pray, give, and go, but they also love to do it. This church group will rise to the occasion, and it is a great delight to report on the good they do for the community, how they are bringing revival to needy souls, and how they are changing lives.
HOPCC Hinesville Reviews: Doing Good for the Community
Imagine living in a trailer with seventeen other people, paying $100 each in rent a week, eating plantains and eggs for energy to get through another day of work. Working long, exhausting hours in a field or chicken processing plant trying to make money to survive, yet only having a small space to call your own and being without family and no knowledge of the language. Imagine the loneliness, the helplessness, the despair.
This is the plight of the migrant worker all across the United States. The outcast, the forgotten to many, but one church, House of Prayer Christian Church, in Hinesville, Georgia, has heard the cry and seen the need. They seek out the least of humanity to provide physical and spiritual nourishment.
They have clothed the naked, fed the hungry, and encouraged the disheartened and discouraged ones. This phenomenal church has taken the gospel to the migrant workers by holding Bible Studies and prayer meetings where they live and providing transportation to church services.
This missionary movement exemplifies 1 John 3:16, “…we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.’
HOPCC Hinesville Reviews: Revival
In laying down their lives, revival has come in different ways to this small section of the world.
Mark 16:15, “…Go ye into all the world and preach (proclaim, publish) the gospel to every creature.”
Two definitions of revival from the Merriam-Webster dictionary: 1. the act or an instance of bringing something back to life, public attention or vigorous activity; and 2. restoration of force, validity or effect.
In reaching out to migrant workers, it has had a far-reaching impact. HOPCC missionary journeys to Mexico and Haiti have resulted in the families of migrant workers being brought back to life spiritually. They have hope now where there was no hope before. There is a force to pray, and they are experiencing true love. Repeatedly their request is not to come to America, but for the church to come back to visit and to not forget them.
Acts 20:35, “…it is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Moreover, there is also a revival happening in the members of this remarkable church. There is a joy in those members who have been apart. They realize there is more to life than gathering and heaping up things for themselves, but to help others in need is to be Christlike. Seeing lives changed has also restored their faith and made it stronger. This revival for missions has caused these mission-minded members to be willing to spend their time, money, and energy to go and help in whatever way they can, especially by praying for individuals at a noontime prayer meeting.
1 Timothy 6:18, “That they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate.”
HOPCC Hinesville Reviews: Testimonies
Over and over again, call after call, the same testimony seems to resonate throughout this movement with members saying they are so blessed to be in such a place where their life has been changed for the better.
One church member made gift baskets with basic necessities, such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, to be given to new migrant workers coming to this country. The migrants responded to the outpouring of love with amazement.
Another member spoke of how this missionary outreach touched her mother so much that she ended up going with the missionaries on a trip to pray and fellowship with families and children in an orphanage in Haiti.
There are pictures showing the happiness and thankfulness of people receiving new clothes bought by HOPCC and sent to those in Mexico and Haiti.
Lives are being changed!
Titus 2:7-8, “In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing incorruptness, gravity, sincerity, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.”
In conclusion, the ministry of HOPCC is better for every community, every city, every town, every neighborhood, and every family. By loving souls and doing good to all the people, in all the ways, in all the places, at all the times they can, this church demonstrates true love in action. As they continue this very important missionary outreach, Church Reviews will continue to update readers with the glorious missionary accounts of lives being reached and transformed in Hinesville, Georgia, and overseas.