God is a great God and is constantly working in many areas to bring glory unto His name. In this exciting article, Church Reviews will take a closer look at how God is being glorified by revealing some of the personal testimonies of the people of HOPCC and how He is changing lives, bringing miraculous healing, and answering prayers.
Life-Changing Experiences
HOPCC testimonies are accounts of real people with real lives who live in a real-world, and this remarkable church preaches the power of a real God in a real-life application. One such testimony of this power involves a young woman stuck in a life of prostitution and alcohol addiction. She had a young daughter, was facing eviction, and would soon be homeless, but God hears the prayers of the sincerely broken and contrite heart. She found herself praying a sincere prayer for help and watched how the compassionate people of HOPCC swooped in to help her. She saw how God continually touched different hearts to take her and her daughter in. She left that lifestyle of sin and shame through the power of prayer, never to return. Today she is happily married with a family and serves God with love and zeal. She pours out her alabaster box upon the one who saved her to the utmost. Luke 7:47a NET “Therefore I tell you, her sins, which were many, are forgiven, thus she loved much…”
Miraculous Healings
Healings without the aid of modem medicine are little heard of today. But in HOPCC testimonies, the accounts of miraculous healings are abundant. There are so many that Church Reviews can only publish a few. Imagine having a diagnosis of an incurable disease reversed! Or confounding medical science when that organ that was failing begins to operate at 100 percent again! Imagine the hopeless feeling of the mother of a deathly sick child but the joy and relief that comes when that child is restored back to normal through the prayers of the faithful at this amazing church. HOPCC testimonies are full of such wonderful healings! One particular incurable autoimmune disease with an inevitable and eventual sentence of death was diagnosed by doctors on one of the ladies in this incredible church. She suffered for some time, not being able to eat while losing weight steadily. She had no remedy or relief from her symptoms. But one day after prayer was made, she was able to eat again, and the weight began to be gained back. The pain and suffering had vanished! She testified, “the doctors began to question who had made this original diagnosis because they could not see the effects of that disease anymore!” Church Reviews can see the apparent joy and thankfulness that flooded this woman’s soul for the miraculous healing God had brought about in her life. Another testimony of healing comes from a mother who witnessed the miraculous power of prayer when her sickly son was made whole. She had taken him to doctor after doctor with no results. He continued in this sickly pattern until he was one day referred to the oncology (cancer) department at a children’s hospital. Again, the power of prayer in this extraordinary church proved no match for the cancer, and no trace of it was found in the little boy ever again!
HOPCC Testimonies of Prayers Answered
The glorious power of prayer is evident in the HOPCC testimonies of how God came down and answered the prayers of the faithful of this sensational church. There are numerous accounts of how money appeared on the ground and checks arrived in the mail just in the nick of time. There are accounts of how groceries were dropped off to hungry families without sharing the need to anyone. There are testimonies of how applications were approved with wonder by the bankers, not knowing how it happened because all odds were against it. One person testified of the love of God in that how He answered even the smallest prayer for a new pair of shoes for their little girl when they were experiencing financial hardship. They expressed, “I saw firsthand how God was with me and answering my prayers while I was experiencing some tough times. But I can look back and see that He never forsook me.” The Bible says Hebrews 13:5b NHEB “…for he has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”
Church Reviews hopes these powerful HOPCC testimonies enlighten the reader to the awesomeness of God and his glorious workings in the lives of the people who attend this remarkable church.