Church Reviews

Church reviews

Church Reviews Blog Site

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Church Reviews is not affiliated with any church, minister’s alliance, or music group but rather it is a blog that posts reviews online for those who want to hear what other’s are saying about those involved in Kingdom Work!

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Jim Cymbala

Church Reviews
Church Reviews
Church Reviews

Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church

There is almost nothing but good church reviews for Pastor Jim Cymbala of the Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York City.  His church is often also well known for the prestigious Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir that sings worldwide and has sold millions of albums!  Church Reviews is also excited about the literary accomplishments of Pastor Jim Cymbala.  The third book of his trilogy entitled “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, and Fresh Faith” is an insightful book into the third person of the Trinity, which is the Holy Spirit.  You cannot help but feel the Holy Spirit’s moving when you hear the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and especially when you read the illuminating books authored by Jim Cymbala.